Sunday, May 17, 2020


If there's a pandemic gripping the world's collective consciousness, you certainly wouldn't have known it by the number of people out and about on the East River promenade yesterday. Try keeping New Yorkers cooped up on a gorgeous and warm Saturday. Not happenin'.

I will admit that almost everybody was wearing a mask - albeit not necessarily covering their mouths and nose. But the idea is that if you want to duck into a store, you have to be wearing a mask. So almost everybody has one at the ready.

As you might imagine, people watching was in full effect. I was not an exception. One thing I've noticed: While not all the younger female demographic are physically attractive, almost everybody is outfitted in fetching gear. I'm not a style guy. But I have to admit that today's clothing is really inventive, creative and functional as well as making not so good-looking women appear more attractive than they really are. 

Recently, I found my way to a bunch of You Tube videos which feature shuffle dancing, the basic step of which is based mainly on "the running man." I'm intent on getting this dance move down. But it's difficult to practice at home because it shakes the floors and disturbs the neighbors. Such is life in the big city.

Anyway...the outfits the girls are wearing are more or less what you see female joggers sporting on the river. Here's an example:

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